Deadline for Upcoming Module:



“60-460 FPS”

"Don't buy into Unity's famous 'Performance by Default' motto", says this Unity performance expert who consistently helps studios reach 90+ FPS

If you are not delivering the frame-rate and loading times your users demand, I can show you the fastest way to reach your performance goals without all the pain that comes from painful & slow blind optimization work.

Dear Unity developer,

If you want to gain the rare ability to optimize any Unity project to your target performance goals without spending the over-hours that still lead you to delaying your project, then today I will show you how.

Here’s what I’m talking about:

I created a framerate-oriented membership called “Unity Performance Taskforce”.

However, it is expensive and definitely not for everybody.

The “Performance Taskforce” is an exclusive membership that gives you in-depth monthly lessons on Unity performance. Lessons I have learned over the years of optimizing games and VR experiences full-time. Tips, strategies and tactics that you can implement from DAY ONE to reap the benefits of shipping high-performance projects:

  • Better reviews.
  • Better experience.
  • Better sales.
  • Better salary.


Each lesson is designed to…

Get Your Project to
Your Target
Performance Goal

(Frame-rate, Loading Times, Memory Usage, Package Size...)

That’s my goal for you with this membership.

I want that every video you watch in this membership removes milliseconds from the render loop of your project. Every video results an increase in your project performance.

But there’s more to that.

You are getting a few of my most valuable perks when you subscribe.

Here’s the first one:

The Unity Performance Checklist PRO

This is a checklist that you can print for any of your project to avoid the sneaky mistakes that kill your frame-rate. With over 250 performance tips, it is hard to go wrong with this performance-savior.

This Checklist Helps You Achieve...

Low Build Sizes
(page 15)

Efficient Rendering
(page 5)

Low Memory Usage
(page 14-b)

Low-Latency VR
(page 12)

High-Performing C# Scripting
(page 7)

Reduce GPU Overdraw
(page 11)

Quick Loading Times
(page 14)

Fast User Interfaces
(page 6)

Some of the performance tips you get inside this checklist include:

  • Performance-killing mistakes I see studios do while creating user interfaces in Unity (page 6)
  • What to do when physics ruin your day and the performance cost of your project (page 8c)
  • The few “sneaky” player & quality settings that boosts your rendering frame-rate with a few clicks (page 5)
  • How to kill vertices the easy way if your GPU cannot handle so many at once (page 12a)
  • 10 ways to reduce the cost of your shaders so your GPU can deliver more frames per second (page 12b)
  • Weapons to fight the infamous animation techniques that cost you over 2ms per frame (page 8a)
  • Scripting-cost reduction techniques that will halve the blue-colored bars you see in the profiler (page 7)
  • Action points you must execute on today if overdraw leaves your GPU without memory bandwidth and halves your frame-rate (page 11)
  • Specific TODOs and DONTs to follow from today onwards to reduce your build sizes by 10x to be the last app to be uninstalled in your user devices (page 15)
  • The 20 must-know items to follow to ensure your GPU graphics can catch up with your CPU (page 10)
  • 6 VR-specific optimization techniques to leave your GPU some breathing room (page 12c)
  • How to structure your scene hierarchy to allow maximum parallelism and built-in job system usage (page 8b)
  • The guaranteed ways to kill your loading times and memory usage (page 14)

And of course some of the famous trade-off performance charts that you find in page 17:

  • Should you use static batching?
  • SpriteRenderer or Images?
  • CPU slicing technique worth?
  • Using Addressables (or not?)
  • Deliver assets through CDNs?
  • OOP or the trendy DOTS?

And finally, in page 18 you are getting get the Unity draw-call batching diagram that makes it crystal-clear when you must use or avoid any of the 4+ batching techniques in Unity.

But hey, we are not done yet.

When you subscribe today, you also get:

  • Exclusive access to private members Discord channel
  • Access to a monthly live lesson/Q&A
  • My personal hand-picked list of tools that I use every day
  • Insider discounts for TheGamedev.Guru performance products
  • Access to a community-driven upvoting system for next optimization topics

In any case, here’s the deal:

Each month you get a new module with multiple lessons that increases your project performance on one of the four pillars of high-performance Unity development.

Here is the sort of expert lessons we covered or are about to:


  • Reduce your editor iteration times, e.g. setting up cache servers correctly (Lesson 009)
  • Improve compile times
  • Architectural patterns to make your job easier: Command Pattern (Lesson 017), Transaction Pattern (Lesson 021), KISS Dependency Injection (Lesson  025), etc.
  • The P3 optimization mindset you must have to ship high-performing projects (Lesson 001)
  • New C# features: when is it wise to use them?
  • Best practices in high-performance Unity development
  • Profiling tools: PIX, VTune, Unity profiler(s), RenderDoc (Lesson 011), Snapdragon profiler, OVR Metrics, …
  • Advanced profiling workflows & my industry-proven methodology
  • Automating performance testing
  • The performance expert toolkit


  • How to animate hundreds or even thousands of characters (Lesson 014)
  • Physics optimization to make room for thousands of rigid bodies (Lesson 018)
  • Sneaky techniques like CPU-Slicing, CullingGroups (Lesson 026)
  • Modern draw call batching techniques to halve your rendering cost
  • C# scripting optimization, CPU Slicing (Lesson 010)
  • How to get better animations for less milliseconds
  • Combating canvas rebuilds in User Interfaces
  • DOTS, ECS, Job System, Burst Compiler (Lesson 002)
  • Object pooling techniques: pros & cons
  • Measure & optimize power consumption for longer battery life
  • VR Rendering techniques in detail: multipass, multiview
  • Frustrum culling, occlusion culling, quadtrees, octrees…
  • Faster Than Light - FTL - Raycasting (Lesson 022)


  • Fighting the dreadful overdraw
  • Shader complexity, measurement and optimization
  • Analyzing and optimizing the GPU render pipeline journey, incl. forward vs deferred rendering (Lesson 015)
  • Advanced techniques such as A2C
  • Opaque UI techniques to achieve high-performing canvases
  • How to strike the perfect draw call order
  • Analyzing and choosing texture filtering techniques, mipmapping, anisotropic (Lesson 012)
  • The quirks of compute skinning
  • The cost, uses & benefits of render textures
  • When/how to use (or not) light probes, reflection probes (Lesson  023)
  • Affordable real-time ray-tracing for high-fidelity visualization
  • Lightmapping on a budget (Lesson 007) and in-depth analysis of mixed modes
  • Simplifying geometry through advanced LODs (Lesson 003) and vertex shading
  • Getting the most out of your shadows: quality & performance (Lesson 019)
  • Tiled-based rendering and avoiding GPU-killing resolve costs (Lesson 027)


  • Transitioning to indirect references to reduce memory usage
  • High-performing asset import settings: textures, meshes, audio…
  • Texture streaming
  • Addressables for efficient memory management (Lesson 020)
  • Halve your memory bandwidth to double your mobile frame-rate
  • Memory measuring techniques (Lesson 004), including GC allocations that freeze your project (Lesson 028)
  • Measuring cache miss rates of your CPU (Lesson 016)
  • Optimizing memory access patterns through ECS
  • Cloud content delivery to bypass lengthy & frustrating store updates when you update your project content
  • Advanced mipmap settings: why and when to use them in your project (Lesson 024)
  • Reducing the memory cost of your render textures
  • Improve loading times down to 5 seconds
  • Analyze and reduce your package size for faster installs and reaching a wider audience

These are some of the lessons that you can expect to see coming in this membership once you subscribe.

Note 1: I don't offer any refunds on this membership (but you can cancel anytime with just a few clicks and no hassles)

Note 2: each active month you get access to just one module with multiple lessons, but you can optionally unlock previous content separately.

When you enroll, you will get immediate access to the Performance Checklist PRO and you are automatically enrolled to get next month's content. But hey, I don't want to leave you empty-handed till next month, that's why you will also be getting the first issue as a bonus... and a module of your choice (just email me with the module you want).

All in all, this membership will literally "upgrade your brain" to remain competitive in this expert-driven industry of shipping high-performance projects. 

Yes, performance optimization is a complex topic. But I make optimization really simple so that you can start seeing results as fast as today. And if you have questions left, you can ask them anytime on our secret Discord channel or on the next scheduled Q&A.

However, this membership is not for every developer out there, I must admit. It is expensive, but that is exactly what allows me to ship content that helps you out. And this lets me bring other industry experts to specific live lessons so you can get to know them and ask your questions directly.

And that is what gets you insider content delivered to your email every month. Content that you won’t find anywhere else.

So if you don’t care about all of that, please do not subscribe.

But if you care about staying up-to-date in the games industry and gaining&keeping a healthy frame-rate that your users are happy with, then now it’s time for you to choose whether you're in or not. 

You can enroll in this membership by clicking the "Start Your Journey" button below.

Warning: do not enroll unless you are committed to long-term learning. You can cancel any time, but there are no refunds (and I do not want to have impulse buyers in the membership).

Yearly Membership

1 Developer
/ 12 months
Individual License (1 Developer)
Immediate access to the Unity Performance Checklist PRO (Valued at €77)
Immediate access to the first "Taskforce intensive" month (Valued at €97)
New in-depth expert lesson on performance delivered every month. 
Ticket to monthly live session
1 free module of your choice
Private Discord community & networking

Lifetime+ Membership

1 Developer
/ Lifetime
Individual License (1 Developer)
Immediate access to the Unity Performance Checklist PRO (Valued at €77)
Includes ALL previous lessons (value: €2000+)
New in-depth expert lesson on performance delivered every month
Ticket to monthly live session
All past/future content included
Private Discord community & networking

Individual Membership

1 Developer
Unity Performance Checklist PRO (Valued at €77)
Immediate access to FULL content (Valued at €300)
1x new PRO lesson/month
1x new CPU lesson/month
1x new GPU lesson/month
1x new MEM lesson/month
Ticket to monthly live lessons
Dashboard to request new content
Private Discord community & networking
Individual License (1 Developer)

Studio   Membership

Unlimited Developers
Unity Performance Checklist PRO (Valued at €77)
Immediate access to FULL content (Valued at €300)
1x new PRO lesson/month
1x new CPU lesson/month
1x new GPU lesson/month
1x new MEM lesson/month
Ticket to monthly live lessons
Dashboard to request new content
Private Discord community & networking
Studio License (Unlimited Developers)

* Excluding VAT, if applicable.

Questions? Get in touch at

The GameDev Guru Guarantee

I provide you with the finest industry-proven game optimization strategies that will help you reach your performance goals.

You either substantially improve your game's frame-rate or you can cancel your membership any time.

No small letter or hidden terms... No risks, no hassles.

It's that simple.

What People Are Saying About Ruben

CEO at GameDevHQ

The knowledge and passion Ruben has for optimization is to be admired.

I highly recommend his course


CEO at Wetzold Studios

It’s thanks to Ruben and his really well structured blogs that I was able to first of all understand these and then also to transform my whole project to Addressables in record time.

He looks at so many angles and even has been available to personally help with additional questions I had. I can only applaud his passion and willingness to share.

(VFX) 3D Character Animator

I am very happy that Ruben offers this 1:1 coaching at all, because I can read through tons of articles and lists of possible improvements, and still not be able to apply the different steps to my very own project.

His 1:1 coaching was definitely not only a time- and money-saver for this project, but he also has great skills to boil down complex information into chunks that are easy to understand and apply.

Lead Game Developer at Re-Logic

Allow me to begin by saying I am a happy customer, it was a lovely course on Addressables!

After requesting additional content on integrating Mirror Networking with Addressables, Ruben went as far as to add a lesson about it.

Ruben: if you ever make another course, please do hit me up with an e-mail!

Unity Developer at D.I.C

I appreciate all the content you write. It really helped me grasp the true power of the addressables package.

I used to struggle a lot with memory consumption, crashes, high cpu usage etc.. and your content helped me overcome a lot of obstacles.

I signed up to the course you’ve created and finished several chapters already and am very excited to keep reading


Ruben is deeply knowledgeable about every aspect of Unity development.

He figured out the issue I had been struggling within minutes.

His expertise is worth any price.

Frequently Asked Questions

I'm already at 60 FPS. Is this useful for me?

Oh yes!

  1. 60 FPS is only half-way through! 120 FPS is the new norm (see Quest 2) and modern players demand up to 240 FPS.
  2. Improving performance will skyrocket battery life and reduce the heat generation we all hate in summer (especially in VR).
  3. These performance optimization techniques will be a HUGE plus for your future projects and job interviews
  4. You’ll be part of a growing gamedev community focused on making high-performing games happen
Can I truly not come back to the Performance Taskforce if I cancel?


My policy is to not let "quiters" join the taskforce again. Think carefully before you pull the triger as I do not want to deal with impulse buyers.

What part of the library do I get access to?

You get immediate access to the Unity Performance Checklist PRO.

Regarding the Taskforce, since this is a monthly membership, you get access to the new lesson at the start of each month.

That means: if you join on the 25th of January, at the beginning of February you get access to your first lesson.

You can also order previous lessons separately within the membership.

Can I get access to past lessons or are they gone forever?

You can collect past issues separately from the membership page.

Most of them are available for purchase.

Some special issues are only available during specific occasions during the year. Be on the lookout for my emails for the special ones!

What do I get each month?

Each month, you will get access to a new lesson on one of the Unity performance pillars:

  • PRO(fesssional) Performance
  • CPU Performance
  • GPU Performance
  • MEM Performance

Plus, I'll drop in some bonuses randomly and live sessions. So be on the lookout to collect them.

Is this a subscription? What happens if I stop paying?

It is a monthly subscription that you can cancel at anytime.

If you pause or stop your membership, you will lose access to new content, the Discord channel and live lessons.

Plus, you won't be readmitted into the membership at any time in the future, so think carefully about joining before you pull the trigger.

What if I don't make it to a live session?

I’ll do my best to find a timeslot that suits you.

If you can’t make it to the event, that’s no problem because you’ll be able to watch the entire replay in the members area.

Can I use Mac?

Yes. Over 95% of the content is platform-agnostic.

Some lessons might be specific to Windows (and possibly Linux), such as those involving RenderDoc (Week 011).

I have another question


Send me an email at and I’ll answer straight away.

VReality Labs

This website is not sponsored by or affiliated with Facebook, Unity Technologies, or Gamasutra.

The content you find here is based on my own opinions. Use this information at your own risk.